
Last Monday (March 27th) I got to present my current process of the Galactic Rockstar brief for Shelley Page from Dreamworks. My feedback was so-so. I didn't get the most heat, but I did not hit the bullseye with my design either. Character bio and appearance was so-so, but I was informed that the character... Continue Reading →

How Dreams Work

I received my student brief feedback from Shelley Page from Dreamworks on Monday. She wasn't really harsh, but I didn't receive the feedback I hoped I would. I usually consider myself to have quite thick skin regarding feedback and criticism, but it was very difficult to not feel bad about myself and my art.Perhaps it... Continue Reading →

Whooshwoozool and Moose and yeah

Done a few more sketches in the visual development department for the Neverending Story student brief. Kinda happy with it -- I like the fact that Whooshwoozool has this dwarf-like feel. I actually posted the bat picture to my deviantart earlier today (trying to stay relatively active there as well, posting a small selection from my Insta-dailes... Continue Reading →

Dungeons and Dragons

I'm about to dive into the fantastical world of D&D, and have been inspired to draw a few characters. I need the practice in drawing humans anyway. I see a lot of room for improvement, and I notice that my issues are the same as they were before, only marginally smaller. I still struggle with... Continue Reading →

oh, look, a post?

So after many months, I will retry to actually keep a blog. I anticipate a few posts before a new radio silence. But hey, it doesn't hurt to try. I also imported from my old blog, and as a result, all images went poof unless you visit the individual posts. How unfortunate. Anyway. I am... Continue Reading →

Week 1

First drawing of the day, 3 minutes First thing I realized was that I'm much too careful when I start sketching. I also used a very hard Hsomething pencil, which ultimately shows that it's quite difficult to see the sketch outline. Second drawing of the day, 3 minutes Same issue with the pencil. This time... Continue Reading →

25 – 05

These days I am accepting a few small individual commissions to practice anatomy and... because of the nature of these particular commissions, fur! I think they are coming along nicely. It reminds me of how far I've come in one year.   I am currently still working some on the graduation movie that my group... Continue Reading →

The Casualty

I am proud to present my final year group short film. The Casualty is a short film about Tazio Nuvolari as a young man in WW1 several years before he became known as one of the greatest racing drivers that Italy has ever seen. The short is rendered with toon shader and AO and the textures are... Continue Reading →

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